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What Is The Useful Method For Jump-Start A Dead Battery

Car batteries can be unpredictable, they often die at the most inconvenient times. A dead battery quickly ruins your program within minutes, whether you are heading out for a weekend road trip or on the way to an important meeting. This is the point or situation when you have to try a jumpstart for your battery but for modern cars, this jumpstart method will not work. Here we mention some methods that might work for your car as well. Hope this article will help you, sit back and give it a read.

Jumping A Dead Car Battery

To jumpstart the dead battery of your car all you need is another car to jumpstart your battery and the cables needed to connect them. That’s why it is mandatory to keep a pair of cables in your vehicle in case you or someone else needs a jump. Below is the step-by-step procedure to jumpstart a dead battery:

Brings The Engine Close

Parked either parallel or facing your car is fine, bring both engines close, like the way that the two engines should be within two feet of one another.

Shut Off Power

Before heading towards another step, make sure the engines of both vehicles are shut off.

Connect Positive To Positive

The red clamps are the positive ones, ensuring that you connect the positive one of the jumper cables to the positive of your car battery terminals, in the right way. This positive might be marked, but it can be hard to see.

Connect Negative To Negative

Now connecting the black clamps means the negative clamps of the jumper cable to the negative terminal of the live battery. Also, stick the negative terminal to an unpainted metal surface in your car.

Safety First

A safety hazard can be caused if you feed energy into the cables before they are connected to your battery. So always remember, when connecting the positive cables to the batteries, you should always start by connecting the dead battery first.

Start The Working Car

Now it’s time to start the working vehicle and give the engine some gas. Don’t switch it off, leave it running for a couple of minutes while it charges up your battery.

Start Your Car

While making the cables still connected, start your vehicle. In case, if it does not start at the moment, give it a couple of minutes and then try it again.

Disconnect The Cables

After starting your car, carefully disconnect the cables, in reverse order. Like, first disconnect the negative cable from your car and another car then disconnect the positive cable to your car and the other car. Congrats, here you give a successful jumpstart to your car!
Remember, before heading towards your destination it’s better to go to the nearest mechanic shop, to check if the charge is valid for the longest route or not. Also, this is a sign that the battery is due for a replacement, so at your earliest convenience bring your vehicle to a local mechanic.

Additional JumpStart Options

Try these two additional options to get your battery jumped if the traditional jumpstart mentioned above does not work for you:

Battery Pack Jumping

Buying a battery jumper pack is the alternative to the traditional jump. It’s a portable battery with cables that can jumpstart your car. Before starting a jumpstart be sure to carefully read the directions included within this battery, as all devices are made differently. Also, in modern cars of the present era, the system is totally different to jumpstart by any procedure, so check it according to the function of your vehicle.

Mechanic Valet and Pickup/Drop off

After all these methods, the last left option is to take help from experts. Now you can get in touch with a mechanic pick-up/delivery service options, to make your car drivable. They are car experts who can replace or service your battery and bring you your car when it is ready. Because it’s a complete risk to take help from a nonprofessional or unknown person.

My Car Still Won’t Start After a Jump, What Should I Do?

If your car is still not starting, then there may be an issue beyond a dead battery. Contact us by call at (646) 650-5311, an experienced and reliable team of Rapid NYC Towing will be there for you. We try to make all the possible solutions to get your vehicle back on the road. If your vehicle needs a towing service we will also tow your car to the nearest mechanic shop or your destination location. We also provide roadside assistance like a flat tire changing, fuel delivery, jumpstart battery, and others. So, just remember one thing, call us now at (646) 650-5311 whenever or wherever you need to solve your problem as soon as possible!

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